If Botley made it to the very end, she was going to just make him to go back in time (which she almost did).and probably 'reset' what he 'fixed' afterwards.

Eventually, her requests looped around to the beginning, so that she was asking for pictures she still had. I even streamlined it to the point where I had a canvas with each of the backgrounds saved and, whenever she asked for a new picture, I just added the clip art she wanted to the canvas with the right background. I mean, you just have to follow Polly's incredibly easy instructions to win.
#Jumpstart 3rd grade botley free#
Even as a kid, I wondered what on earth the educational value of the painting game was supposed to be and basically viewed it as a way to get free Invention Points.
#Jumpstart 3rd grade botley series#

Now, I understand how hard it can be to make an AI capable of recognizing what you did enough not to lead to either you having to draw a picture absolutely perfectly by tracing an image you've never seen, much less can replicate or to draw something as simple as a single dot that the game can't recognize as being wrong or right and therefore lets you have it for the hell of it, but if it was just going to lead you to using clip-art to make an image according to what Polly wants without nagging at you, and Polly always makes a request when you enter the Art Gallery even at a time she shouldn't even be there, what was the point of giving you all the tools worthy of a dummied down MS Paint when there really isn't a point to use it without being told your head is in another planet by a certain brat? However, you can make a cheap doodle to a work of the Gods, it doesn't matter that you took the time to draw as convincing an image of a cow skull as possible, Polly will only recognize you made her a picture with a cow skull in it if you've used a clip-art of one readily at hand. The art mini game has pre-made clip-art among your arsenal in making a commission for Polly to get either the Mission Clue or spare Invention Points.